Mark 14: 3-9

I have wondered many times in my life, “Why did God choose me?” 

Why did He save me from my sins, and what is it about me that He has been so good to me? 

Why has God placed such a burden, yet an anointing on my life that He has kept me in spite of my circumstances.

These thoughts wonder in my mind very often, and they frequently arise throughout the day, and months as I learn how to love Him more and serve Him better.

Have you ever looked at your life, your shortcomings, your attitude, your social circle, your hurts, your habits, your hang-ups, your idiosyncrasies, your mannerism, your approach to trouble, your style of living and/ or thinking and really wondered, “ why has God favored me?” 

Have you ever looked back at your life, and the times you messed up that blessing that God gave you, or the blatant disregard for Him and His love for you; wondered how is that I am here when I should have been there? You see, life has the ability to expose you to many things, it even places you in trouble that can bring you into questioning, “Am I going to walk with God in the midst of my circumstance“, or “leave Him alone?”

Despite our lack of love, forgiveness, and even shortcomings, God still seems to love us. Seems to reach His Hand out to you and I and say, “Come.” We must remember that no matter what comes our way, God still loves us.  Remember that you are good enough!